
Fricco: The Italian Taco Made of Cheese

August 25, 2014
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“I love tacos, but I wish they were entirely made out of parmesan cheese”. If, like me, you find yourself thinking this each time you eat a taco (which, I must admit, are still quite delicious just the way they are) you should continue reading this blog post. If you think only a crazy person would contemplate such a thing, continue reading anyway. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the result.

A fricco is simply a cheese crisp made by heating and then cooling parmesan or any other type of Italian hard cheese (pecorino romano, for example, could also be used). The following recipe shows how to make a fricco easily at home and my recommendations on how to enjoy it (served as a taco with a well cooked piece of beef).

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What You’ll Need

1) For the Fricco

  • Parmesan Cheese… that is all

2) For the filling

  • Striploin steak (or any other types of meat you enjoy. You could even try using our flank steak recipe)
  • Lettuce
  • Any other toppings you couldn’t do without (tomatoes, shallots, etc.)

3) For the sauce

We enjoy making a homemade pesto mayonnaise to top off this dish. To make this you’ll need;

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 2 tbsps Pesto Sauce

How to Proceed

Step 1: Cooking the Fricco

First you’ll need to make the friccos. This step is quite easy and simply involves cooking some parmesan cheese and subsequently letting it cool into the proper shape. First, you’ll want to grate some cheese into a pan (around ¼ of a cup should do). Turn the heat on high and let the cheese melt.

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Once the cheese has melted, turn the heat off and let it cool slightly (just enough for you to be able to touch it). Take it off of the pan and place it over a rolling pin or a wooden spoon and leave it there until it becomes hard (2 to 3 minutes).

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Step 2: BBQ some meat

Take your favorite cut of meat and BBQ it to your liking. We recommend cooking it somewhere around medium as too many juices may result in a soggy fricco (That’s what she said… sorry).

The FMMS flank steak recipe would also do nicely. I know I already mentioned it, but it really is great!

Step 3: The sauce

Place all the ingredients, except for the oil and pesto sauce, in a food processor and begin mixing together until they are combined. With the processor still running, slowly add in the oil. Keep mixing until the mayo has a smooth consistency. Once this is done, you’ll have yourself some regular mayonnaise. Simply add in the pesto and combine to get some tasty pesto mayonnaise!

Step 4: Put it all together

Take the fricco shells you made in Step 1 and fill it like you would a taco. Place a piece of lettuce on the bottom and add the meat on top. Glaze with some of the sauce, serve, and enjoy!

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